
The Beijing-Hong Kong-Singapore Joint Centre for Nonlinear and Complex Systems

The Beijing-Hong Kong-Singapore Joint Centre for Nonlinear and Complex Systems (BHS) was founded in 2004, jointly by Peking University (PU), Beijing Normal University (BNU), Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU), and the National University of Singapore (NUS). Currently HKBU and BNU are still collaborating actively.

Collaborative Activities/Outcomes include:

1) Joint publications
2) Joint conference organization (with organizers or advisory committee members from BHS)
3) Collaborative Grants:

1) Joint publications:

1. Y.H. Chen* (BNU), Q.X. Lin, X.H. Liao, C.S. Zhou*, Y. He*, Association of Aerobic Glycolysis with the Structural Connectome Reveals a Benefit-Risk Balancing Mechanism in the Human Brain, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 118, e2013232118 (2021).

2. Yuhan Chen* (BNU), Zi-Ke Zhang*, Yong He (BNU), and Changsong Zhou* (HKBU), A Large-Scale High-Density Weighted Structural Connectome of the Macaque Brain Acquired by Predicting Missing Links, Cerebral Cortex, 1-19, 2020. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhaa060

3. Shengjun Wang, Guang Ouyang, Jing Guang (BNU), Mingsha Zhang* (BNU), KY Michael Wong, and Changsong Zhou*(HKBU), Stochastic Oscillation in Self-Organized Critical States of Small Systems: Sensitive Resting State in Neural Systems. Physical Review Letters 116, 018101 (2016).

4. Z.J. Wang, Z.J. Dai, G. L. Gong, C.S. Zhou (HKBU), Y. He* (BNU), Understanding Structural-Functional Relationships in the Human Brain : A Large-Scale Network Perspective, The Neuroscientist, DOI: 10.1177/1073858414537560 (2014).

2) Joint conference organization (with organizers or advisory committee members from BHS):

1. DDAP11 (11th Dynamics Days Asia-Pacific, Nov. 16-20, 2020, National University of Singapore (online meeting). Zisong Wang (NUS). Advisory Committee include: Leihan Tang (HKBU), Chagsong Zhou (HKBU) and Zhigang Zheng (Huqiao U, BNU).

2. DDAP10 (10th Dynamics Days Asia-Pacific), Nov. 1-5, 2018, Huaqiao University, Xiamen. Chair Zhigang Zheng (BNU and Huaqiao U), Vice Chair: Jixiong Pu (Huaqiao U), Sumiyoshi Abe (Huaqiao U), Leihan Tang (HKBU), Changsong Zhou (HKBU).

3. DDAP9 (9th Dynamics Days Asia-Pacific, Dec. 14-17, 2016, Hong Kong Baptist University and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, organized by Changsong Zhou (HKBU), Leihan Tang (HKBU) and Michael Wong (HKUST).

4. IAS workshop Computational Neuroscience bridge to Artificial Intelligence, April 12-17, 2015, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, organized by Michael Wong (HKUST), Changsong Zhou (HKU) and Si Wu (BNU).

5. Joint Meeting of the Beijing-Hong Kong-Singapore Joint Centre for Nonlinear and Complex Systems, June 24-28, 2010, Beijing Normal University. Organized by Bambi Hu (HKBU), Guang Hu (BNU) and Qiouyang (PU), and Baowen Li (NUS).

3) Collaborative Grants:

1. NSFC (China)-Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme, HKUST/NSFC/12-13/01, Dynamical Network mechanisms of information processing in neural systems, 2013/01~2016/12, Hong Kong PI: Michael Wong (HKUST), Hong Kong Co-I: Changsong Zhou; Mainland PI: Si Wu (BNU); Completed.

2. NSFC Collaborative Grant 11328501, Dynamical approaches for multimodal analysis of brain imaging data and applications to brain diseases, 2014/01-2015/12, Hong Kong PI: Changsong Zhou, Mainland Co-I: Yong He (BNU); Completed.